A reminder of who they are

Friday, April 29, 2022

The obvious explanation for our situation

We're definitely living in one of those times where we should have learned from history.

Of course, the primary source of disinformation and stupidity in America is the right-wing ecosphere, lead by FOX News, which has trained conservatives to accept fascism, vote against their own interests, and run on pure, constant outrage. (The racism was already built in.)

Given how difficult it is to get people to NOT BE STUPID, the only way I see out of this is if Democrats take control of Congress in such numbers that they can get things done without Republican obstruction. Voting rights legislation, infrastructure, healthcare, safeguarding abortion rights, approving non-right wing judges, granting statehood to DC and Puerto Rico, and expanding the Supreme Court. Out of touch American voters vacillating back and forth every two years between Republicans and Democrats will only result in Republicans killing American democracy and taking permanent control the next time they're in power.

Our time to not be stupid and save ourselves is rapidly running out.

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