Wednesday, June 22, 2022

To be fair, he *was* born yesterday

Human piece of white bread, former Vice-President Mike Pence, had one glorious moment on Jan. 6, 2021, when he did the least amount necessary to save our democracy. As a reward, Trump called on the  MAGA mob to kill him. That failed, but Pence is apparently unconcerned that Trump tried to have him murdered.

But wait! Maybe he's learned, after all!
KUDLOW: “Have you ever seen a president who refuses to accept blame and, I want to add to that, commits so many falsehoods—I’m being very polite here calling it falsehoods—falsehoods. On any given day, he’s out there saying stuff that just ain’t true. You ever seen anything like that?”

PENCE: “Never in my lifetime. I said today that there has never been a time in my life where a president was more disconnected from the American people.”

Take that, Trump! Oh, he's talking about Biden

While it should not surprise anyone, Pence seems to have been in a coma during the entire Trump administration. According to the Washington Post fact-checker, Trump made 30,573 false or misleading claims as president. That's 21 lies per day, every single day of his "Presidency".

Mike Pence is a (many times) self-professed Christian. Let's take a look at what his Holy Book says about lying (Pence's lies above and Trump's 30,000+) ---  

Oh, right. The Bible is against lying. 

Guess on top of everything, Pence isn't a very good Christian. 

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